Monday, May 16, 2011

Parties and Parkinson's

Yes, we all know that drugs are bad. But that doesn’t mean they’ll really mess up our lives, right? WRONG!
Author Kate Wong explains, in September of 2002, that just a few doses of the party drug ecstasy can cause lifelong damage. While animal testing, scientists recently found that the drug causes serious damage to brain cells in monkeys, and could very well increase one’s likely hood of getting Parkinson’s disease. This drug, which kills the feeling of emotional and physical pain, is now known for its ability to damage serotonin brain cells (an important part of the body’s mechanism to regulate mood and behavior), and to kill dopamine neurons (which help to control movement and help the body feel pleasure in the long run.
I think that parting people should research long-term drug effects if they want to get high. If everyone knew the consequences of ecstasy, the use of it wouldn’t be as common. Although illegal drugs are generally a bad idea, I feel that there are safer options if one chooses to engage in “epic partying.” I can’t think of any that are healthy, but there are plenty that don’t cause Parkinson’s disease.  

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